Dec 28, 2011

May or may not have thrown out my shoulder tonight while getting beaten in Wii baseball by a 7 year old.

Dec 27, 2011

Spent an entire conversation speaking with a 2 year old solely in "meows."

Dec 20, 2011

Pulling the "Santa is watching you" card makes December by far the easiest month to work with kids.

Dec 18, 2011

There's nothing like building a huge fort out of furniture, cushions, and blankets on a winter night...until they want to spend the night there.

Dec 16, 2011

Spent a better part of the morning shining a flashlight on the floor for a toddler to chase. Between the two of us, I can safely say I was far more entertained.

Dec 14, 2011

Best morning ritual ever - as soon as I walk in the door, we run into the living room and rediscover the Christmas tree.

Dec 13, 2011

How is it babies instinctively know the exact science of grabbing just enough hair to cause the most excruciating pain?

Dec 12, 2011

"If you don't let us stay up later, we'll tell our parents you let us watch tv the whole time." They're getting smarter...

Dec 7, 2011

This morning I mentioned something to a one year old about changing his diaper... He promptly grabbed every diaper in sight and hid in his closet.

Dec 3, 2011

Witnessed the strangest battle the other night - 4 kids pointed plastic wands at each other and shouted "Bippity Boppity Boo!" all at once. Still not sure who won.

Dec 1, 2011

Dear adorable little girl, 
Analyzing the lyrics of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer will not trick me into delaying your bedtime. Nice try - I do applaud your creativity but I'm onto you.